Predicting crimes
In this document, you will become more familiar with what might be the new tool to help the police reduce criminality in the future…
The idea of Progress
- The idea behind this project is to make the society safer. But it raises important ethical questions that cannot be ignored.
- A society without crime would be a great progress for global safety and the technology developed to achieve this goal is also a great progress in the way we can use information taken from the population. In other words, it shows what we can do with big data coupled with a specific intention.
Spaces and Exchanges
- This type of technology will change the way people interact. If an artificial intelligence can determine whether you are about to commit a crime or not, it might deter a lot of people from thinking about crimes.
- For the police services, the areas that they have to check will be considered as data and information digested by a computer. The efficience will no longer come from the decisions made by police officers but from an algorithm.
Places and forms of Power
- This type of technology will give a lot of power to the police and to the people who want to control the population. If we can indeed predict crimes, then what's the next step? Should we arrest people just on the condition that a computer suggested that they might commit a crime?

- Meaningless: sans importance
- Safety: sécurité
- Customers: clients
- To occur: se produire
- To patrol: patrouiller
- Law enforcement: police
- Purpose: raison / objectif
- To provide: fournir
- Pre-emptively: à l'avance

- People post photos every day on facebook, read articles on their smartphones, and pay by credit card.