J.R.R. Tolkien and power
In this text, you will understand how J.R.R. Tolkien saw the notion of power and how it has influenced his work in writing The Lord of The Rings
Places and Forms of Power
- The Lord Of The Rings has been elected best book in the century and best in the millenium which makes it a very influential story. In other words, a story that has been read by millions of people all around the world will influence all these readers on different levers, making it a powerful work of art.
- Tolkien suggests in his book that Power is necessarily evil because it cannot be controlled. Even with the best intentions, people will always be ruled by something else, like the need for more power.
- The Lord of The Rings presents a very pessimistic vision of Political Power which can only lead to the destruction of nature.
Spaces and Exchanges
- The Lord of The Rings is such a popular piece of literature that it has been elected best book in the century and millennium. It proves that the story has been spread over many different populations
- The film adaptations of the novel make the story even more popular by opening it to a larger audience. The films are still today part of the most popular movies of the century and won 17 Oscars!

- La vidéo que je vous propose ci-dessous est un extrait du film "Le Seigneur Des Anneaux". Il présente l'adaptation filmée de la scène que vous avez lue.
- L'intérêt de regarder la scène adaptée est de voir quels choix ont été faits dans la volonté de transmettre un contenu écrit par le biais d'images et de musique. En d'autres termes, la mise en scène permet d'aborder l'histoire sous un autre angle.
- Si vous avez des questions concernant des éléments développés dans la vidéo, venez en discuter sur l'espace Discord de votre classe!

- Découvrez d'autres vidéos sur le sujet de la mythologie en suivant les épisodes de Crash Course "Mythology" sur Youtube.