Sputnik sets up a new deal
Despite the american will to be first, they can't stop Soviets from developing new technologies that would jeopardize their own victory.
Places and forms of Power
- In this document, we understand the confrontation between the two most powerful countries at that time: the USA and the USSR.
- Concerning Sputnik, it represents the supremacy of the Soviets at that moment in the space race. The USA are outdistanced.
- We also understand that it not only about the space race but about the arms race. The USA are not scared by the satellite but by the rocket capable of sending a huge payload with a fine precision. In other words, the USA are scared by the Russian’s military power.
The idea of Progress
- Sputnik is a huge progress for humanity. It is the first object sent in space by humans. It sets the start of a new age, that of humans breaking free of their own planet.

- Cheap: bon marché
- Launch: lancement
- To scare the pants off: faire une de ces peurs
- Heavy: lourd
- Payload: charge utile
- Takeoff: décollage
- Despite: malgré
- Overstated: exagéré
- Stunned: stupéfait / abasourdi / sidéré
- Maverick: marginal / non-conformiste / dissident
- Purpose: but / raison / objectif
- Wherewithal: moyens / ressources
- Proponent: partisan / adepte
- Dissenter: dissident / contestataire